2nd first impression: Origins Charcoal Mask

So... I had a rough night at da club... not really but kinda... lol and I feel like I want to do a mask right now... so I think I might do that.

Now I'm calling this a second first impression because I used this a long time ago... over a year ago... and I thought it was amazing. It made my skin nice and smooth and not bumpy and it cleared my blackheads... but that was back when I was 22 I believe and I am now 24... so I'm old, my skin is a little different, its a little drier and it might be a little different. Plus now I kind of know what to look for... so I'm going to update you on how I feel about this mask.

First I'm going to eat a fudge covered ritz cracker... it is delicious. I'm mildly obsessed with these... then I'm getting water and then brushing my teeth and putting on this mask... cause I need to stop eating these crackers. #notsponsored #butifyouwannasendmecrackersI'mgame.

Initial application 
Not bad. I feel like its stinging a little bit... which isn't good. this might be something I need to avoid with my chin... but I don't think I had that problem before. So far... I think the Original Skin mask worked a little better for me. I also put this on wet skin... which isn't a good idea. Its just a little harder to apply and it gets sticky.

It isn't drying as fast as the original skin mask either.... its drying now I've had it on for a couple minutes.

My nose is itching a little bit... this is scary... lol.

Now its dry and it feels nice!

After taking it off... 
Okay it feels as nice and smooth as I remember it. I took it off with some wet exfoliating cotton rounds... so good. I could actually see that the charcoal going into my pores and I feel like it unclogs them and just makes them clean and pretty. Really great. I'm still super impressed with it.

After Putting on Moisturizer 
I'm a little concerned that my moisturizer and maricuja oil will make it sting a little more... but I want to use them to see how it works... So we shall see.

It didn't sting at all, and actually today-the day after- my skin feels moisturized and smooth. My nose still feels like there are some blackheads on it... so I'm a little underwhelmed by that.

A Little While Later 
I feel like this has made my pores a little bit smaller and these are just really good. I was sick a little bit before Christmas and my pores looked quite enlarged after that and my skin was dry... this and the rose mask kind of helped clear it up and then the Drink Up Mask and my nighttime moisturizers helped with moisturizing it a little better. I looked in the mirror today and i used this just for a little while yesterday and my pores looked smaller and nice. It helped a lot, this really made a difference and I like it! I recommend it!

Hope this was helpful! Byeeee!
