Product of The Day: Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Spray

Random Product of the day is a body spray from soap and glory. The Sugar Crush Spray has an absolutely delicious scent. It doesn't last all that long, but its really good. It smells like a margarita ice cream float. Some people say sprite... I definitely smell Ice Cream in here too... Its just different than what I usually use and I like it a lot.

Citrus sometimes bothers me... but this surprisingly does not bother me. It isn't too much. It makes me want to try the body stuff... but I think that might bother me more than this... I have tried citrusy things from St. Ives... its good. I like it.

And its hard to overdo these things too. I feel like it layers up really nicely and it doesn't get too strong or bad smelling or anything. Its good. I like it.

Happy New Year! Just wanted to post a little something here! I was going to do a Makeup of the day... but its kind of the same as yesterdays... Lol. I did post the pictures for yesterdays blog... so if you read it and your like "where's the pics" they are there now!

