First Impression: Sephora Rose Sheet Mask

So I had a 10% off coupon at Sephora recently and I decided to get one of their sheet masks with it... and since I like doing skincare first impression types of things... I thought I'd do one on this.

So the mask was actually a pretty good size for my face. There was a little bit of access left over, I think it would probably fit most people pretty well. They do have TONS of different masks for different skin types. They have overnight masks and eye masks also. I've heard good things about this Rose Mask for dry skin... which I have so... yeah.

And this claims to be Ultra Moisturizing and brightening.

So applying the mask wasn't difficult at all. It says to apply to clean dry skin, so take off your makeup and wash your face first, but pat your face dry or wait a while to use this. Like I said it was big enough to fit my face with a little bit of access and the part for the eyes and mouth were nicely even. Easy to adjust based on your face, but its easy. Its folded in the package, so make sure to take it out carefully.

Then I just kind of made sure my eye and mouth holes were in the right place and just put it on. I patted it into the skin to make sure it adhered nicely, and it did for the most part. It slipped away at some points I think, and I almost sneezed it right off and that would have been the end... but it was good. I have pretty sensitive skin and I've had bad reactions to sheet masks from Forever 21... and I was impressed with how this felt. It didn't sting, the smell wasn't too powerful that it felt synthetic or anything... it felt really nice on my skin.

And I kept making sure to press on it so that the moisturizer would really get into my skin. And after taking it off, there was still some moisturizer on it from the mask, so I just patted that into my skin and it feels really nice and smooth now. I really like how it feels.

I have a few breakouts also and I don't think its good for breakouts... but it didn't bother them while moisturizing, so that was really good.

And I have to say... looking in the mirror my skin does look a little brighter! I don't know if that is possible to see results from this that early... but it definitely looked brighter right when I took it off!

My chin is a little bit itchy right now... which isn't a great sign. I don't think it bothered it any... but if I do see that my chin looks especially dry or something... I will update of corse.

Overall I really liked this and would definitely try other masks. There are a bunch of different varieties... not gonna lie though... some of them sound like they do the same thing. This one says ultra hydrating and brightening, I think the pearl mask is soothing and brightening... so it is probably the same thing pretty much... but yeah. This was good! Definitely worth $6!

