Blogmas Day 2:Fragrance Freak Friday- Bath and Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel

A Very Merry Blogmas to all! Fun Fact: This is actually the first Blogmas I'm writing because I thought I could get more detailed with Fragrance Freak Friday if I did it before posting... so that's what I'm doing. I'm using Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath and Body Works. I have the Spray, the Lotion, the Body Wash... so Its kind of a cumulative of all the things.

So, just for night time, I used the body wash and then before bed I was like "Ehh... I'll use the lotion and spray a little bit too. And its a very nice, relaxing "winding down" scent. The lotion was really nice and strong. I put the Mist on over it. The body wash didn't linger very long... but it was still really nice in the shower!

So yeah. I like it so far... lets see how it wears!

It was super hot today... so I felt like I have to keep spraying and spraying cause I didn't want to use the lotion. Sometimes when its hot just adding the lotion is kind of gross. So lasting power on a hot day... not the best. But it must have lasted a little bit because my mom smelled it and said "Oh it smells good." So this is a scent moms like. I think they have it in candles and hand soap too... so maybe I'll get one of those for my mom cause I know she won't wear the spray or the lotion and I don't think she'd use the body wash either. It kind of lingered throughout the day...but it didn't really stay on that well.

But again... it was a pretty hot day and I was kind of doing a lot of stuff... so it wasn't too bad.

This was a good day to test it... didn't wear super well... but it was kind of humid, and when I got home I just kind of sprayed a bunch of this on and it helped a lot. Lol. I felt stinky and this de-stinkified. And I like it ... so that's good.

I just really liked the smell of this today. And again, my mom really liked how it smelled. Tomorrow I might pack it with me because I'm walking around a lot... so yeah. Might be good to pack with me.

... Apparently I never wrote Thursday or Friday when I wrote about this months ago... so I will be wearing it 2 other days several months later and talking about it now... 

Other Days Wearing Them... 
I think I wore this 2 other days... I wore it the Wednesday before Thanksgiving when I was doing a lot of stuff and it lingered nicely throughout the day the times that I wore it. It lasted a long time and whenever I smelled it, it had an especially warm and nice scent that I just really like, especially around this time of year. I think its great year round... but it definitely does make me think of Christmas and Thanksgiving. I really like it! Highly Recommend checking it out!

