Worth It Wednesday: Cover Fx Custom Enhancer Drops

Yep... these are worth it. Blog over.

Just kidding. For whatever reason... I can't stop using these. I didn't love them at first... but now that I've used them more and more... there's something about them that I think everyone could find a use for and absolutely love.

First off I'm going to mention the shade range. It can be hard to find highlight colors if you are incredibly fair or if you have darker skin... this has a range of colors that I think could work for everyone! Some of the colors are more bronzer-ish colors. Some of them are highlight colors... and the highlight colors have some really beautiful gold colors that would look great on darker skintones. There's really only 1 other color that would work on my skintone... but these are still super gorgeous and I love it.

Sometimes I love an absolutely out of this world highlight... this can do that for me. Other times I want a more subtle highlight... this actually works for this too. For the "Strobey-iest" look I dab with my fingers and then I'll top it off with a powder highlight... that is quite quite highlighty. And for a more subtle version I blend it out with some sort of beauty sponge. A mini sponge is good for this, I actually bought the Real Techniques Sponges right when I bought this. It's pretty versatile as far as that goes.

It is also versatile in the ways that you can use this. You can use it as a highlight, you can mix it with foundations and it just gives a nice glow and it makes it like it won't cake up the face makeup. It doesn't do much... but it does enough where I'm like "Ohh... this is super nice! I just kind of like how that looks. Really good. You can also use it as eyeshadow... not the best way to use it... but its not bad. I need to play with that a little bit more and see what happens.

The packaging is something I was worried about. I thought the dropper would be too drippy... but it isn't! It fits in the bottle kind of tightly so you don't really have to worry about getting too much. You have a lot of control of the dripping. It's a good dripper.

I don't know if its really worth $44 though... I feel like I'm using a lot of it fast... but in reality I'm probably not using very much of it at all. It's probably going to last me quite a while... so it probably is worth $44. Especially for how versatile it is with the subtle/ insane highlight factor of it. Also this is a pretty unique color. It's like a super metallic shade. I don't know, its just really a nice color.

So yeah... this gets the Shannon Seal of Approval... I kind of want to get the other shade that could work for me... maybe a bronzer shade. Idk! It's good! I love it!

