Blogmas Day 16: Fragrance Freak Friday: Winter Candy Apple

So I really like this scent for the holidays. I like all sorts of apple scents and this one is so unique that I really like it, especially in the winter.

This is definitely something that you can wear too much of... I think I sprayed wayyy too much and it just didn't work all that well. It wore off really fast... but I'll make a note not to spray it that much!

This didn't last very long... mostly because I was going to a lot of different places with a big jacket on and it just made me sweat a little more and this isn't the most long wearing of fragrance mists... but yeah. It's pretty okay!

I've had this on for an hour... give or take... lol. And it still smells really nice. I haven't done anything yet today really... but I still smell it and it smells nice. I have a feeling that if I were to go out and do a lot of shopping or grocery shopping or something, I wouldn't smell it as much anymore... but I like it a lot now.

Funny thing: I stepped on a perfume sample right after I wrote this... so I didn't really get to see how long the Winter Candy Apple lasted because I smelled like Chanel Chance... which was actually good! I really like that scent. But I think when Chance started wearing off, I smelled a little hint of Winter Candy Apple.

It lasted okay. I didn't put a lot on... but it did last throughout shopping at target with a giant coat on... so that was good.

Overall... don't like it as much as Vanilla Bean Noel... it is a pretty unique apple scent. It wasn't totally a favorite after wearing it all week.

