Matte Liquid Lipstick Showdown+ Pros and Cons for each (Nyx, Kat Von D, Ofra, Colourpop)

So I just recently jumped on board on the Matte Liquid Lipstick train... and I thought I would just compare a few of them all together. I was just going to compare the Colourpop with the Nyx Liquid Suade...but then I also wanted to include Kat Von D because there is a very similar color in the line... and I've already reviewed Ofra... but I thought why not include it in here and tell you my favorites. I kind of want to try a few more too. Tarte has new ones I want to try and I kind of want to try The Balm and Anastasias... so there may be another part for this... but yeah. I'm going to go over the Pros and Cons also... just because I think there are some to every product. I'll start with the Cons. Lol.

Nyx Liquid Suade Lipsticks (shades I own: Softspoken & Cherry Skies) 
-These aren't entirely Matte. They look more matte than not... but the word Suede really does apply to these. It has a pretty suede texture to it. And it dries down to a pretty much matte finish but if you're super picky... I wouldn't say this is entirely matte.

-These are kind of sticky. If you look at this wear test from Jen Luv's Reviews she describes it pretty well. I didn't really think that at first... but I have it on today and I keep puckering my lips together and I was like "ohh yeah. Jen is right." So it isn't that comfortable. I usually only do 1 layer, she did 2... but I do have a liner and the Too Faced Lip Primer on with it. So... tis a little thick.

-It doesn't have the best shade range. Theres a lot for a new drugstore product... but some are too bold, some are too neutral... I like the formula enough that I want more... but most of the colors I'm a little "meh" about.

-The Darker color I have is a little messy. It can feather a tiny bit and it gets everywhere when you eat.

-Affordable. I think these are the most inexpensive option on here... I guess Colourpop is technically cheaper, but you need to pay for shipping too and I don't see them having free shipping anytime soon regularly. They offer free shipping to the US, but thats with a $30 purchase... which doesn't really make these any cheaper than the liquid mattes.

- They aren't uncomfortable. I know with my cons I said they aren't the most comfortable... but no liquid lipstick is really that comfortable... but they aren't uncomfortable really. I like it. Its not bad.

-The applicator is really nice and helpful. Its a very slim doe food applicator with a little angle to it.
With the lighter colors like Softspoken, I think it can work well without a Primer.

-They have nice colors that are similar to popular high end shades. Softspoken looks a lot like Kat Von D's Lolita... so thats pretty cool. I want to see if Tea and Cookies looks like Lolita too. So even though it doesn't have the best shade range, it does have really pretty and quite trendy colors. So that's nice!

Kat Von D (shades I own: Lolita+Lolita 2) 


- The shades constantly go out of stock. Like I've been wanting Nosferatu since it came out basically and I can't get it because its always been sold out online and never been restocked and its never in any stores by me either... so thats a pretty GIANT con.

- These aren't cheap! $19 is a lot of money for a lipstick and I think its probably worth it... but when Nyx has liquid lipsticks that are just as good... whats the point of that really?

- A tiny bit dry.

- Random... but I wouldn't order these online during a sephora sale. I know someone who's entire order was cancelled because she ordered Bow and Arrow and it was out of stock... and she wasn't able to get her VIB Rouge discount because the sale was over by the time they notified her... so just a warning.

- These last all day. You can eat or drink and these don't really go anywhere. You'll see it on your coffee cup... but it'll stay on your lips.

- I say a tiny bit dry for a reason... these are only a tiny bit dry. Now that I have it off of my lips I'm like "ohhh my lips feel great" but it didn't hurt while it was on my lips. I don't think its the most comfortable formula of all the liquid lipsticks... but its damn close. Lol. Its just a tiny bit uncomfortable but really it is only a tiny bit.

- They have a really great shade range. From wearable to outrageous. They have a navy blue... thats like everything you could have lol. but yeah. Bow and Arrow is a really nice nude shade that looks really pretty, but then they have shades like Vampira that are super dark and vampy and great.

-You don't really need a lipliner with these at all. They will last without one and at least with the colors I have, they don't get messy without a lipliner. Its pretty amazing.

Ofra (only shade I have is Havana Nights) 

- Doesn't last all day. It'll come off when you eat or drink.

-slightly messy. I would recommend a lipliner... or at least apply it very carefully in front of a good mirror.

-Its a little hard to remove. Like if you put it on and then decide you don't like the color with the makeup look... you're a little stick with it.

-Not cheap... but there is always a coupon code. It's also only available online... so thats another thing. They go on Hautelook from time to time too. Well I think they just started and will hopefully be on soon.

- Very comfortable. Its smooth like the Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream... but I feel like the Nyx Soft Matte Lip Creams drag a little more on the lips and this really doesn't do that at all.

- Great color range! They have a few crazier colors also... but they have a lot and I think there's something for everyone.

- The website has affordable shipping.

I feel like these don't have a lot of pros and they have a lot of cons... but this is a great product and I'm not bashing it. I would say this might be my favorite of all of them... I almost didn't have any cons other than doesn't last... but really thinking of it, there are a few cons and not a lot of great pros... but I think I'd still recommend this because of the comfort.

Colourpop (Shades I own: Sollow, Creeper and More Better) 

- These sell out pretty fast also. I think they've gotten better with restocking them... but when they first came out they sold out right away and crashed the colourpop website.
- Dry. Out of all of the liquid lipsticks I'm mentioning these are the least comfortable.
- Its online only... some people don't like that, it can look a lot different online than it does on you in person... luckily there are lots of lip swatch videos... but still its hard.
- When these go on... they stay on. Not a total con... but if you think "I don't really like this lipstick with this eye look" its not going to be easy to remove... so thats something to keep in mind.
- You kind of need a lipliner with these.
- No international shipping! I know these ship to the US, Canada and Australia... I think they may ship to England... but I'm not sure and I think that is all.
-When it wears off... you can tell.
-Takes a while to dry.

- Unique Color Selection. I wasn't amazed by the formula or anything... but I still want to try more just because they have such a good color selection.
-Doesn't wear off very easily. So you can eat and it'll stay on.
-Good  price... $6 with $30 free shipping for the US. But again... shipping to other countries is probably expensive and in that case I would say pass on these... but I like their eyeshadows and eyeliners and I've tried a blush and an eyeliner which are good. I have one eyeshadow that came damaged in shipping... these aren't bad when they're damaged... but just keep that in mind if you're internationally shipping. Also the pot eyeliners might be something that dries out. Not about that... but I might as well warn you!
- These are really good with a lipliner. They're a little messy without one, but with a lipliner they look awesome.
- I think I would order this over a matte lippie stick. I have the shade Lumiere... which I do like better than the formula of these... but I have the color Silk... which is the worst lip color I have. Its terribly patchy and drying and that made me not want to order a matte lippie stick again because it seems that they are hit or miss and the formula of these seems more consistent.

And random... all these brands are cruelty free! Didn't mean to do that... but thats cool.

I honestly like all of these liquid lipsticks and I'm not sure which of these is really the winner. I guess I'd say Kat Von D because hers are both comfortable and last the whole day... but the Nyx Liquid Suades are totally what I would recommend for beginners. Ofra is definitely the most comfortable though. I think I reach for Kat Von D and Nyx the most... just cause the Ofra color I have isn't the most wearable... and my least favorite of all of these is definitely the colourpop...but I still want more. Lol. So yeah. I'll try out some more soon and then maybe do another showdown... I really want Jeffree Starr's Androgyny... idk if I'm going to get it though. Lol. But there are tons more I want to try so I'll let you know!

