First Impression/ Review: Amope Pedi Perfect and Amope Nail Perfect

So I thought this would be a cool thing to review. My mom got me the Amope Pedi Perfect and the Amope Nail Perfect for Christmas and I thought this would be fun to review! So there are 2 different things and I'd recommend them both. If you want to do at home manicures or pedicures oat home, I'd totally recommend these. They are awesome thus far... and yeah. I like them a lot!

So I'll review them individually and sort of go through how to use them and some pros and cons.

Pedi Perfect 
So I have the pink Diamond one... I don't think this is any different than the regular one... but its pink. Maybe its a little more rough... idk its good though and it works at smoothing out your feet. There's a little silver thing around it and if you just turn it to the left and then its on. When I first turned it on, I didn't know how I did it and it was loud and my parents were asleep and I didn't know how to turn it off. So I took the batteries out, read the directions and turned it off. So you want to turn it off and just rub it on your feet very lightly. If you go too fast, the rotating will stop and it won't work... so its kind of like a cheese grater where you just want to lightly rub it on your foot and let it go over your foot. The spiny thing is really really fast and its supposed to just stay fast.

This gets a lot of dead skin off and its very messy. So dead skin will just sort of fly off your feet... its messy. If your wearing white pants... they'll get white with dead skin... which is gross, but thats what happens. It works. I have a foot cream that I put on after and maybe if you wash your feet and use a scrub that will help a little too. Maybe then use the foot cream. If you do a soak, that would be a nice relaxing thing too... its good. This is a good thing to just sort of relax and treat yo'self to a pedicure! I didn't do a soak or anything... but maybe I will sometime! Its good. I would really recommend this one!

Nail Perfect 
So I like this one too... I think it does a better job than a regular nail buffer... but you can do essentially the same thing with a nail buffer. So this one is a little smaller... it comes with 3 different attachments that say 1, 2, and 3 on them so you know which order to use them in. Number 1 is the rougher one that sort of files the nail down and then the 2nd one buffs and 3 shines. They're all in a good shape to just go over your nail and it just works really nice. I didn't know that the first one would be as messy. Basically its like the pedi perfect, but on your nails... its weird that completely filing over it eventually gets it as smooth as it does... but it does. That is what I think makes this a little better than the regular buffer. Idk if that makes it totally worth it... but I don't feel like I could get this that well with a regular buffer or nail file. Then Step 2 and step 3 buff and shine and just make the nail and the skin between the fingers look really nice and clean. I bite my fingernails and the skin around it. They look really clean and nice right now. They were stained from nail polish, they have shape to them, they're long and nice and clean. My cuticles look nice... its the best my nails have ever looked without polish probably and they feel nice and strong... which isn't usually the case for my nails. So even though I don't think this is a total must have... if you bite your nails or they just don't look nice without polish... this one might be more worth it for you. I think this one is a little easier to use too... I want to try to use these weekly... I think this takes a little less time and its just very easy.

So Pros for both of these... They do what they're supposed to, which is the whole point, so I would say its worth it for that. If you like doing home manicures, these make it super easy. If you're thinking about getting them, I'd just say go for it!

The main con is that these are a little expensive. On their own they aren't bad... you can use Bed Bath and Beyond Coupons they have coupons for this on BJ's all the times... you can get the price down a lot. You also need to get replacement heads for these also I believe... so that can add up. Target was giving gift cards with purchases of Amope products... so thats good. There are lots of ways to save on this and it isn't that expensive. I'm sure its still going to be cheaper than going to the salon weekly to get mani-pedis... Plus this is easier to just keep up with. Do it at home weekly instead of going to a salon... I mean you could still go to salons too but this is a little easier for me. If you take the time to use this. If this is something you know will just sit in your drawer and not do anything with it... its not worth the splurge. But otherwise... totally worth it. These work really great and I love them and hope to use them weekly!

