Quick Reviews: High End Dry Shampoos/ Sephora Favorites Extend your Style Kit

Heyyy guys! So I wanted to do some quick mini reviews on the Sephora Favorites Extend Your Style Kit. I'm not sure if this is still available at the time of writing it. Its been selling out fast, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this is something that they bring back a few more times... plus all the dry shampoos are Permanent... so its not like there's anything you can't get in here.

I'm going to do a mini review of the kit as a whole and then go into mini reviews of the shampoos.

Keep in mind... full sizes of these are pricey and drugstore dry shampoos probably work just fine for most people... but I want them to do something a little more amazing, so I wanted to try a high end kit. Lol.

The Kit 
So the packaging of this is beautiful. It comes in this huge glittery box that I think I want to reuse somehow... idk if I have room for it, but its that pretty. There's a sleeve where you see the Extend Your Style thing and the Sephora favorites logo with pictures of all the dry shampoos. It comes with 7 mini sizes of the dry shampoos and it is $32. It includes Amika, Bamboo Style, Living Proof, Sally Hershenberg, Klorane, Drybar, and Bumble and Bumble. I've heard good things and wanted to try the Living Proof, Amika and Bumble and Bumble... which would be about $36 if I got minis separately (the Amika doesn't actually have a mini size you can buy at Sephora... but I'm imagining it'd be about $12.) I've also heard good things about Klorane and idk if I've heard good things about the Drybar one, but I've heard good things about drybar in general so I'm curious about that too. And I'm sure the other 2 are good also. So I think this is a good value. Idk if I'd really want to pay $12 for a mini size of any of these because... Dove is $3 lol. But I want to see if any of these are better. I think the Sephora Favorites sets are such great values, that if you ever see one with like 3 products you want to buy, its probably worth it to just buy it.

So that I'm happy about. This is a good kit to have.

Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo 

Did it Volumize? - This did add some volume to my hair when I first applied it. I had already washed my hair that day, so it looked nice and curly anyway... but this definitely added to the volume... like a lot. I'll insert a pic of me after applying it cause you can see how big my hair looks.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- This doesn't have a strong smell but its pretty good. I can kind of smell it in my hair right now I believe... I did also put on a scented lotion... but I smell something good from the hair part too I think. My hair is a little short to actually smell. I also feel like this is a good time to mention that the packaging of this is seriously adorable and bright. It makes me happy. Not a selling point for it to be that expensive... but it makes me happy. Lol.

Also yes, I used it again without being affected by other scents and it smelled amazing.

Did It Clean?-I'd say yes. Usually I can tell when I have second day hair because it just sort of looks flat and without life and dirty. And its usually itchy and it feels bad... but this isn't itchy and it actually feels nice and normal on. I don't tend to get very oily hair, but you can tell when I haven't washed it, and after using this, you can't tell.

Did It Keep my Curls in Tact?- This is the most important one and the one I was most impressed with. When I first woke up, I was like "Ohhh, this didn't do anything for my curls overnight..." But then I looked in the mirror and was like "ohhh. this is still curly!" This isn't really marketed as a style extender, it just says perk up... but it did keep my curls in tact! Idk if you can really tell in this picture... but its still pretty big! I like to put my hair in a beanie and put in dry shampoo to kind of keep my hair looking the same, and this definitely did a better job than Dove!

Is it Better than more affordable brands?- It did everything its supposed to do, and I have trouble with that with affordable brands... so while it would be hard for me to shell out over $20 on this... it is performing better than the Dove one I had been using and a better than the Batiste that I've used in the past. I'd still repurchase the Batiste... maybe not the Dove after trying this lol. But this is significantly better. If you have it in your Ipsy or Birchbox or you build your own Birchbox and see it... this is worth trying!

Did It Have a White Residue?- Surprisingly no! I didn't go ham and use a ton of this, but I used a good amount. Enough to get it clean. I sort of spread it around with my fingers and stuff too, so maybe that did the trick, but I'm not going to leave the house with any white spots in my hair after using it for sure! It didn't take a long time to do either.
This has all the volume. Love this Dry Shampoo! 

Bumble and Bumble Pret A Powder 

Did it Voluminize?- Heck yeah! Lol I'll do a before and after picture, cause I've been trying to do those on my instagram with this set. I was shocked at how much it volumized. I only used a little bit and massaged it into the back of my hair and it gave me really nice big hair. Lol. I was impressed.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- It does have a nice smell to it. Similar to the Amika I think.

I like the packaging a lot. This isn't a spray this you have to pour into your hand and then kind of massage it in your hair. I like that a lot, I feel like it wastes less product. It isn't hard to get out either, just a light tap will give you a little. You don't need a ton of powder to get a good voluminous look. I just used a tiny bit. (I didn't spray much with the Amika either and it worked well.)

Did It Clean?- My hair doesn't itch or anything, so I guess so? As I've said, my hair doesn't get that greasy unless I do like 3rd or 4th day hair... which I'm not going to go to that much length doing this. If my hair gets itchy I usually put some dry shampoo in it and it'll go away and this did that too... not quite as well as the Amika though.

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - Not as much as the Amika did, but better than anything else I've tried. Usually my 2nd day hair is just completely flat, and today it has some volume!

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- It doesn't really do everything a dry shampoo is supposed to do... but I still think it performs better than Batiste or Dove. I think this is easier for me to find than the Amika because they do sell Bumble and Bumble at Target and Harmon, and I think even in JCPenny Sephora's... so I would probably be able to repurchase this easier than the Amika and I probably will do that. It isn't really my top pick though... but still.

Did it have a White Residue?- No! Another benefit of this not being a spray is that you have a little more control over that.

Living Proof Perfect Hair Day dry Shampoo 

Did it Voluminize?- I didn't notice anything after I first put it in, but this looked nice with 2nd day hair. Probably the nicest so far. It looked more voluminous the next day then when I just tried putting it on.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- I really liked the smell. I don't know if everyone would like it, but I thought it smelled very fresh. The Pacakging is cute and practical also. Very simple.

Did It Clean?- This really cleaned. Like you could not tell my hair was 2nd day hair after using it. I could probably get away with 3rd day hair with this too, it was really good.

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - It didn't look that great leaving it in overnight and then putting in my hair after... but it did still look curly and nice the next day. It felt a little dry, I probably should have used oil, but it did a good job.

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- Definitely! At this point I feel like affordable brands would be hard to go back to.

Did It Have a White Residue? - Not that I noticed in my hair. It did come out pretty white though... I'm sure it could leave white residue... but I didn't mind it.

I'm happy I liked the 3 that I really wanted to try. I feel like that makes the set worth it so far.

My hair felt kind of dry after using this... but yeah. I still like the way it made my hair look after using it.
Klorane Dry Shampoo With Oat Milk 

Did it Voluminize?- Yes. I have before and after pics. After massaging it it looked quite voluminous.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- Not a fan of the smell of this. When I opened it up, the first thing I did was smell it... and its not good. Its not bad smell... but its kind of stinky. Kind of chemically. Like its trying to be clean.

Not a fan of the packaging either. It is kind of ugly... that isn't what bothers me, but the lid on it is the worst. It looks really cheap, but its so hard to get off! You have to kind of pinch it. I just don't like the lid.

The Smell kind of lingers too. Ew...

Did It Clean?- 2nd day hair did look pretty clean, and it didn't feel too dry. I did use oil with it also... but its pretty good! I'm liking it.

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - Not as well as some of the other ones, but it definitely looks good! I feel like this would look good if I tied it back in a half up half down... which I may do before dinner! Going out somewhere kind of nice tonight.

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- I think I like it a little better than Batiste... but Batiste smells better... lol. It isn't my favorite of the box because of the smell... but I'm definitely going to use it up and I would repurchase it!

Did It Have a White Residue ? - Yeah there was like a big white chunk in one spot of my hair! So weird!

Dry Bar Detox Dry Shampoo 

Did it Voluminize?- Not really. Maybe you're supposed to blow-dry your hair to use this... but doesn't that take away the point of it being a dry shampoo? I'd rather just wash my hair instead of blowdrying with a dry shampoo.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- This was my favorite scent of any of them. I can see maybe people wouldn't like the scent... but I loved it. The packaging was fine too. It was nice looking and simple. It had the dry bar logo, so you know its from a fancy salon.

Did It Clean?- My hair doesn't look good today... maybe it did? Idk it doesn't look as nice as the other dry shampoos did... so it didn't clean nearly as well as the others.

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - Nope.

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- Can you tell? Lol nope.

Did It Have a White Residue? - Yes. Same as the Klorane, it was in one specific place, so I had one streak... it just didn't look pretty.

I'll play around with this one more... but it already didn't work as well as the others so I wouldn't recommend this and I won't be repurchasing this. 

Sally Hershberger 24K Supreme Stylist Voluminous Dry Shampoo 

Did it Voluminize?- Yeah I think so. It looked pretty good after I used it.

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- It doesn't smell very great. I like the packaging, I don't think it would be good if you threw it in your purse or anything, it seems like the cap would come off, so thats kind of not good.

Did It Clean?- Yes, I think so at least. My hair still looks really clean and nice and I've had it in a ponytail for a while. I didn't sleep with it in a ponytail... but usually it doesn't look good after a ponytail, it just looks messy and dry... this one actually made it still look pretty good! 2nd day hair and in a pony and it still looked good.

Later that day: My head is a little bit itchy... so idk if it cleans all that well... but it does look pretty clean. Hopefully this isn't

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - Yes! It didn't voluminize a whole lot, and my curls don't look exactly they did right after I watched and blow-dried them... but I really liked the way it looked after this.

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- I'd say so! Its funny I wrote "I would say No" here by mistake and then I was like "wait is this a mistake or did I not like it. I like it though and I would repurchase this probably.

Update: So I looked up the price of the full size... $32! I'm not that much of a baller, so I don't think I'd ever by the full size. Lol.

Did It Have a White Residue?- This isn't very dry or powdery. It actually looks clear and it feels like its wet. So this is pretty good for not leaving a white residue.

Bamboo Style Cleanse Extend Translucent Dry Shampoo 

Did it Voluminize?- Yeah! I liked it!

Did It Smell? Is the Packaging Good?- Not a huge fan of the packaging, it has something shaking inside of it... it makes me kind of wonder if its broken. It also seems like it would open up if you were going to put it in your purse, it would probably get messy.

The scent was a little weird. It says its Mango Coconut, and I think if someone were to smell your hair, it would smell like that, but applying it is a little weird. Maybe its because I'm not a big fan of Mango... but it does smell different after a while.

Did It Clean?- Yeah my second day hair does not look dull or lifeless and its not itchy! I had my hair tied back for quite a bit with this too.

Did It Keep My Curls In Tact? - Not quite as much as some of the other brands I've tried. This is a good thing to use throughout the day... but it wasn't terrible.

Is it Better than More Affordable Brands?- I think yes still. Its not my favorite out of all of these, but if you see it its worth a try. I do really like the way it smells also. It was really nice. 

Did It Have a White Residue?- No it didn't!

If I had to pick favorites... I would definitely say the Amika is my #1 pick. The Living Proof and  Bumble and Bumble are also great. I liked the Klorane, not sure if I'd repurchase it. Didn't like the Drybar... but other people say its amazing, so maybe just my first impression isn't enough for this. I liked the Sally Hershberger, but that one is $32 and I don't think its worth the price and I really liked the Bamboo one too. The brand on the Bamboo one is Alterna, and I've heard the name before.

Overall I highly recommend this kit. If they have it next year I would pick it up again. I'm sure that even though these are small samples it will last me a long time. I'll feature these in empties with fuller reviews I think... I don't do empties a lot... but I think I can get better with that. Especially if its something new that I'm trying.

Hope this was helpful! Byeee!
