And A New Way To Shop My Stash

So... I kind of came up with a new way to shop my stash. I know I have like 50 different ways... and I'm still keeping up with the shop my stash list... but I'm going to change a few things too.

So I mentioned My Naked Palette Challenge. I'm going to use my Naked 3 palette 2 times a week, every week until I finish the palette or until a year is up.

In addition to that, I want to use more "drugstore" palettes, single shadows, colourpop shadows, and limited edition palettes/ palettes that aren't available anymore... so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to rotate one of those each week throughout the month.

So I'm starting with the end... lol. Since this is the last week of the month I figured I'd start here. So this week I'm using a drugstore palette and my choice for this week was the Elf Sunset Palette and the Elf Mad for Matte Palette. These will go well together and I could just use one if I really felt like it... lol. But yeah. These are good.

So for the first week of the month I'm going to do a single shadow just cause I saw a look I wanted to do and I think that'll be good to use.

For the third week I think I'll use stuff you can't get anymore... just cause I have a lot of that. This is going to be the most odd category cause I think I'm going to alternate between these too because I have a lot of high end limited edition and drugstore limited edition... So... idk. I also have things like a big pixi palette that has every shade ever and then I have limited edition wet n wild 6 pan and 5 pan palettes and things... so yeah. I might have to alternate a lot... lol.

And last but not least colourpop will be the third week of the month. I have limited edition colourpop too... but I think I'm not going to divide that any further cause thats a lot of my colourpop collection. Lol.

I want to be kind of strict about my Naked 3 palette... like if I miss one look one week I will carry it into the next week. With this stuff... if I miss it I miss it. This is a lot of makeup and rotating it will not be that easy. Lol. And I want to use more stuff, buy more stuff and use what's making me happiest... so yeah.

Alright... lets try this! I'm hoping I can keep up with this rotation and maybe reach for these categories more because I tend not too and not cause they are bad or anything... just cause I reach for what I reach for kinda thing.

And this might be too much to tackle... but I'm gonna try! Lol.

