Worth It Wednesday: Fresh Sugar Lip Balm

So this is something I've wanted to try since it came as the Sephora Birthday gift a few years ago. I had always wanted to try it... but I didn't really know if it would be worth the $20 cause it is just a lip balm...

And do I love it... yes. Would I repurchase it... probably. Do I think its worth $20... probably. Lol its hard to say because that is a lot of money for a lip balm, but this just feels better than any other lip balms for me. I think the Vaseline tubes are the best from the drugstore... and these are kinda like those but in a stick form... and a little more hydrating and it has a tad bit of color and an SPF.

And the color doesn't show up very pigmented, so I wear these at night, before going to bed or a little while before putting on a matte lipstick or something. It doesn't totally change the color... it might idk, if you have it on a while before though I don't think it'd be a big problem.

The one con about this is probably the scent... You know when SPF things are stinky... this is kind of stinky. Its not overwhelming... but it isn't my favorite scent to have right by my nose... its just stinky. Lol. It isn't super artificial or anything... its just stinky!

The color is pretty nice too... I didn't think it had a lot of color at first, but when I used it the other night and was like "Ohhh this is pretty." As I said, it isn't pigmented, but if you're doing a no-makeup day you could still look a little refreshed with this on and nothing else. Mine is the Rose version by the way. And it doesn't smell like roses... as I mentioned its stinky. Lol. They have a lot of different colors, I'm interested in the berry one or the red one. Cause its pretty but its natural. I like it a lot.

So yeah, if you have really dry lips I would definitely recommend this. If you don't really care a whole lot about balms having a tint to them... but don't mind a tiny bit of color... this is good. If you wear a lot of liquid lipsticks this is good to use after. I like this! I might try to get a kit with a few of these if they have them at a more affordable price. Cause if they have a 30-something dollar kit with a few different colors, I'd like to try more of these. I've been using this so often since I got it in December and I just think this is a good way to pamper yourself. It isn't horribly expensive and it just works very well.

Hope this was helpful!

