Skincare Log: Did I change my Skincare Routine/ Did it Work

Okay so last week I did a post about wanting to change up my skincare routine a tiny bit... and now I figured I would let you know if it worked and if I kept up with it or whatnot... so yeah.


So Monday got off to a good start. I woke up, I used the Simple Cleanser in the morning and then I put the Charcoal Mask from freeman on my nose and the golden mask from freeman under my eyes and a little on my cheeks and chin. I didn't keep them on that long though cause I got some of the golden shade in my eye and it hurt... so yeah.

And I used a moisturizer before doing my makeup. The Leniege one from a Target Beauty Box. I think if I see Leniege in there, I'm just gonna buy it. Lol. I regret not getting the overnight mask.

Alright, so I did use the Purity Made Simple Cleanser to wash my makeup off, I used the St. Ives Oatmaeal Scrub and the Original Skin mask. Today at Sephora I saw they have a serum... which I'm interested in... hmmm. Might get that cause I'm almost empty with this one. Lol. And before going to sleep I think I used the Leniege Moisturizer again and I used the Tarte Maricuja Oil.


I very quickly washed my face with the simple cleanser... really a little goes a long way and I like that. And I used the Leniege Moisturizer... I think. I remember dipping into it, so I'm sure I did.

I used the Purity Made Simple again and the Garnier Blackhead scrub today, since I didn't use the Freeman mask in the morning, that kinda made sense to me. I also used the Leniege Moisturizer and the Tarte Maricuja Oil before going to bed.


Same as yesterday! Almost didn't do it, but I thought it was important... so I used the Simple Cleanser and the Leniege Moisturizer and that was it. I didn't do the Freeman Masks in the morning... but I still did the cleanser and moisturizer, which is kind of important... and yeah. Later tonight I will do the origins charcoal mask.

I washed my face, scrubbed it and I did the Charcoal Mask from Origins and it was really good! I'm pretty sure I moisturized with the Leniege Moisturizer and I think I used the Maricuja Oil also.

Morning: I know I used the Simple Face Wash and I think I used the Leniege Moisturizer... I'm pretty sure I did. Maybe I didn't... ughhh sorry forgot to actually write this yesterday. Yes I must have because I also used the Freeman Charcoal mask on my nose and the Freeman Glow mask on my cheeks and chin.

Night: I did the Purity face wash and I used the St. Ive's Scrub as a mask. Later I used the Leneige Moisturizer again... can you tell I like that? And the Tarte Maricuja oil. And my  chin was especially dry, so I was a little extra careful with that... so that was good!

Morning: I just used the Elf Moisturizer in the morning. Didn't wash my face or anything... so that was kind of a fail... but that was it.

I used the Origins Mask Like I said I was going to do!

I think it did... but for some reason I'm super dry this week! Maybe its too many clay masks! Idk! I've been bad with doing my morning routine and Moisturizing too... but its only tuesday, hopefully it'll work better in a little bit? The moisture will work a little better. Maybe I'll try another sephora sheet mask... ugh. Idk! I'm wearing the Origins Overnight Mask this week. Maybe I'll do another update soon.

