Fragrance Friday: Elizabeth and James Nirvana White+ Nirvana Black

So I thought this would be fun to do a Fragrance Friday on my favorite perfumes!

Nirvana White 
First off Nirvana White! I got the Fragrance Set that they had around the holidays which comes with the smallest size of the perfume, a small size of the rollerball and the perfume oil. And I thought this was a really cool set. I got the small rollerball as a 100 point perk, which they have quite often... and I really liked the way that it smelled on me... so I figured this would be a good perfume to own a full size.

Its a very feminine floral scent. I think this is the safer of the two that will work with most people. I don't really know how to quite describe it other than that... lol. Its very different though for a florally girly perfume. I think this is a daytime scent more... but you can wear it at night. It smells sort of spring-y... but again, I would wear it all year. It's a light fragrance, but it lasts quite a while. You can layer the body oil with it to make it last a little longer... but I usually just use the full size and touch up with the rollerball.

And I think if perfumes tend to bother you or give you headaches, oils aren't supposed to do that... idk if a perfume oil helps with that... I think essential oils are supposed to be good with that... don't quote me on that exactly... but you know, go to sephora, dab some of that on or ask for a sample and if that doesn't bother you, the oil might be the way to go. I think you can use those with diffusers for the home also... again not 100% sure... lol. I'm bad at this... but I know they have something you can use as a home scent. Lol.

Nirvana Black 
I didn't love this when I first smelled it... but I kinda liked it and I wanted to try the rollerball for it to mix with this... and I like it. This is a very unique scent. Its still florally, but this is deeper. This might bother you if you don't like perfume. This is also a good rollerball, you can smell it pretty well and it applies nicely. This is definitely a night scent... again I wear it in the day... do what you will... but its very strong and isn't something I'd wear quite as often. Idk if I'd buy a full size of this... maybe because I like the way it sprays a little better... but yeah.

It also reminds me of the Lady Gaga perfume... so if you like that, you'll probably like this one too. I think that would also mix well Nirvana White. Which... I'll get to now!

White and Black Mixed 
This is such a unique smell from either perfume... that I think its worth trying a smaller rollerball at least just to mix the two together. Again its very floral and feminine... but also has the deepness of the Nirvana Black. They mix very nicely together... and I don't do that all the time... but I like it!

I usually use the Nirvana White because that's like a happy scent for me. And I think it is my favorite just on its own. So... If you like florally girly scents... try it! Its a good one! Also... this is what Mary Kate and Ashley are up to! Not on fuller house because they're fashion and fragrance designers now!

