Worth It Wednesday: Philosophy Shower Gels

Shower Gel isn't something that you need to spend a ton of money on... but if you want to pamper yourself... spending a few extra dollars on the Philosophy Shower Gels might just be the way to go!

Most of these are around 18... which isn't so bad. Its $8 more than a Soap and glory and only a few dollars more than Bath and Body Works... of corse there's always some sort of soap and glory sale or a Bath and Body Works sale and coupon... so those can be a lot more affordable. And I would say these aren't really that much more special than the 3.99 shower gels from Caress or St. Ives... I think I like them equally... so this isn't something I'm going to rush to buy every single time I see it.

But I do think these are a great way to pamper yourself a little bit! I especially love the holiday scents! I think they're so nice and creamy and just have a great sweet smell near the holidays. I love the Holiday Cookie and Gingerbread. I tried an Almonds and Cream one and I loved the scent of it... but it was a little thick... so they might be kind of hit and miss... I haven't tried enough of them to really say so.

If you're getting someone a gift... these are absolutely great! My mom got a few of these as gifts for me and my sister, and we always get excited about these because they are really nice, they smell great and they're just a fun way to pamper yourself... as I keep saying.

I think these are very creamy, which makes me think they're more moisturizing than a lot of other body washes. I'm not sure if it really is or not... but I kind of like using these when I feel a little dry just because they do have some moisture to them I think.

So are these worth $18... yes and no. Yes because I do think its fun every once and a while to have and I would totally get these as gifts for people... but No because there are some equally great shower gels you can get for under $5... so take that as you will. Because a lot of the scents are seasonal, they do go on sale quite often and you can find them a little cheaper at TJ Maxx quite often. My TJ Maxx never really has a lot unless its the holidays... but I always check for these and If theres a scent I like I grab it!

That is it! Hope you found this helpful!

