How To-sday:Foot Care Routine: How I use my Amope Pedi Perfect

So for Christmas I got the Amope Pedi Perfect, I have the pink one which is like the diamond something one... idk if its any different than the regular... I think they're pretty much the same... but basically its an electronic pumice. It has a little spinny thing at the end that spins around and gets the dead skin off of your feet...

I've had this for a while... I have a review on it right here and I love it. I feel like I just perfected how to use it though. Its nothing really fancy or inventive... but it helps.

I think it kind of helps to go from the heel first and then go up towards the foot... I focus mostly on the heel because thats the driest part. You want to go very slowly because if you go fast the spinning stops. So you just go really slowly kind of like your grating cheese... which is gross... but thats basically what you're doing lol. You just go really slowly and then it'll get all the dead skin off. You don't want to do this right before you leave the house in open toed shoes because its messy. Lol. You don't want to have black pants on with this either cause the dead skin comes off looking like a powder... lol this is such a gross post... but thats kind of how it is. And just go up and down until you're happy. The dead skin will stop coming off when its done pretty much, so when there's less powder then stop.

The trickiest part is the big toe. I don't usually get my other toes because the skin on those are very soft... but my big toe is very rough and I didn't find going up and down helped... so I just start away from all the other toes and then go side to side. And that really gets the dead skin off and works really really well. And again there will be powder, but that subsides after a while and you'll know thats time to stop.

So after that I would recommend putting something on your feet like a lotion or scrubbing them. If you have a foot bath, soaking them would be good. Its not something that hurts your foot at all, so I don't think it will burn or anything. I'm sure you could probably cut yourself with this, I haven't yet... but you might not want to use anything that will bother it if you have a cut. If you soak it in epsom salt, that can be good for sore feet and cuts if you have them. I think its pretty safe if I haven't hurt or cut myself with it yet... but I don't think its impossible.

I think you only really need to do this once a week. I've been doing it a little more this week because my big toes were bothering me... but now that I figured it out, I'll go back to once a week. Really if you try doing it more than once, there isn't a lot of dry skin and it doesn't really do anything.

So that is how I use that... last night I put lotion on it and took a bath after and used a scrub... you could kind of do it in any order. I think the biggest secret is going from side to side with the big toe instead of up and down. So thats the big thing I wanted to say here. Lol.

I hope this was helpful!

